Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Love This Blog!

Found an AWESOME blog today, Hayley writes "31 days to a no brainer wardrobe" on her blog thetinytwig.com! She also has an ebook called The No Brainer Wardrobe (I will be purchasing this soon). She has so many tips on minimizing your wardrobe and just sticking to the essentials! I thought this was great and will be so helpful in identifying essential pieces once I get back into the shopping world (yes, I know I still have 11 more months!) I think I will definitely buy clothes differently once this is all over....

Loved this quote from her blog!

“If she can’t afford it, she won’t buy it. If it doesn’t fit (or make her feel good, or flaunt what she’s got), she won’t wear it. If she can’t find it, she won’t compromise. If she loves it, she won’t toss it. She reuses it, rethinks it, lets it age."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Exactly ONE month...

I've made it one month without buying clothes! 11 more to go! Today was actually the first day that I really had the desire to buy something, I have an event tomorrow night that I need to dress up for and I just don't feel like wearing any of the dresses that I have. I just keep thinking how much easier it would be to buy one...BUT I will not give in to it :) I have borrowed some shoes from a friend and plan on wearing a dress that I have already worn! I quickly squelched my thoughts and realized that I am more than the clothes that I wear and I will enjoy time with people I love no matter what I have on. Excited for the next 11 months and to see how God is going to continue to change and mold me!

Remembering this...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall :)

Things in the no new clothing world have been going very well! I even went into Target this week and made it past the clothes and accessories without stopping, I knew if I stopped it would be a lot worse. It has all really helped me focus on more important things and it's just one less distraction, so far I am honestly enjoying it! I am so ready for Fall and I can already start to feel it in the air :) I can't wait to start wearing Fall clothes and move past the summer wardrobe!
I have been reading the book "Radical, Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream" by David Platt, it is an awesome book that has really helped me to see the gospel in a whole new light. One point I really liked in the book was that God doesn't bless us just because he loves us, He does it to show His glory so that when other's see His blessings in our lives they glorify Him. It doesn't stop with us, He's using us to show His work and to bring the focus back to Himself.

I found this picture on Pinterest and loved it! Can't wait for Fall and bonfires! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

random thoughts

I saw this on Pinterest and absolutely loved it! Reminding myself today to be truly thankful for what I have and realizing that it's not about WHAT I have but WHO I have... and He is enough for me.

Feeling a little out of it today after being away over the weekend. I feel like my attention was shifting in so many directions ( I am so glad that I don't live in a big city, it's hard to focus and hear yourself think!) Grateful to have spent some wonderful time with a friend :) Getting back into the swing of things this week...happy to report that I went to NYC and did not shop! And trust me...we didn't run out of things to do!