Thursday, March 28, 2013

LOTS to say....

WARNING: lots of scrambled thoughts ahead!!

It has been so long since I have written anything. I don’t know why I have had this block or why I don’t feel like writing…because a lot has been happening. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease which has been a relief but also a huge adjustment…not just with my eating but mentally. There is something that happens when someone tells you that you CANNOT eat certain things ever again…you instantly want them even if you never liked them. I have been fighting these mind games which has resulted in eating more gluten free snacks and trying new recipes. I am grateful to finally be feeling better and that I have more energy. I will still be having an upper endoscopy, bone scan and some more blood work. I have had to do all the research on my own and with the help of great friends and family. The doctor’s don’t really have much to say about it and haven’t been extremely helpful through the process. So huge life adjustment but hoping it only gets better from here!

            Spiritually, I kind of feel like I am in desert right now, a few months ago my relationship with the Lord seemed to have been the best it has ever been. Now, I am just back to struggling with putting myself and life before my relationship with Jesus…I pray for God to humble me and break me, mold me into His image. I get so frustrated sometimes with my thoughts and my pride. I am saved by His almighty grace and it is not because of anything that I have done…why is that so easy to forget? Why do I want some sort of credit for His glorious work? It’s so wrong, I truly want to be His vessel so that He can share his love and light through me, and I hate it when my flesh gets in the way. I struggle with prioritizing my time, with so much to do in a day… I know that spending time with Jesus should be number one and it shouldn’t even be something I need to think about! I should be so overwhelmed by His love and what He’s done that I should be jumping for joy that I can even bow at His feet…grant me the grace, Lord. Forgive me. Help me focus on what you have done for us this Easter season; please fill my cup so that I might overflow…

We have started a Bible Study with some other couples and friends, I am praying that goes well and that great bonds are made. We are excited to be part of something different! Lately, Mike and I are really trying to focus on blessing other because we have been so blessed. Finding moments in our relationships where we can share this with others…I feel like we are being bold with what God has laid on our hearts. We are open about how He is working in our lives and are so excited for this journey that has only just begun.

It is amazing to me how just giving up shopping has really changed my life…so many things have changed because of this one sacrifice. It has help to put things into perspective. It has brought me closer to my Creator and has just grown me so much.

Last thought, we are headed to Haiti this summer to work in the tent city! We will be spending a week there and I am so excited! So excited to have this experience with some of my family and to see how God works and what we can learn from this resilient group of people!

Life is such a roller coaster, some spots are bumpy, some are a free-fall, some make you want to scream, some make your tummy turn, make you sick, make you scared, make you want to laugh and hold on tight but knowing who directs my cart makes everything okay.