Monday, August 27, 2012

One Year Adventure! Starts...NOW!

August 20, 2012

And so it begins…

I have officially started my ONE YEAR of NO shopping!! No new clothes, no accessories, no shoes for an entire year! The start date is 8-20-2012 so obviously the end date is 8-20-2013. I am very excited about this journey J There are quite a few reasons for embarking on this endeavor: I want to free myself from what the media and society tells us we need to look like or the way that we need to dress, I want to prove to that we don’t NEED to shop or fit in with all the trends, I want to utilize the clothing that I already have and be creative with them. Basically, I am trying to rid my life of distractions and things that get in the way of what really matters to me.  I started thinking about all the times in my life when I was the happiest, the most fulfilling moments, none of those times ever involved clothes or things and typically it was when I was lacking both and was pushed out of my comfort zone. I am not sure yet what I will do with the money that I would have used for shopping, I want to increase my savings but also want to be able to donate more, tithe, give money to other organizations or those in need. I plan to document my journey through blogging or journaling. There are only a few exceptions to the rules: If I ruin something, like get a huge hole in my camisole or the sole of my shoe wears off then I will replace those items, and I will be allowed to accept gifts of clothing but will not ask for any gift cards. One of the things that inspired me was a girl’s blog that is called “Greater Than Rubies”. She has given up clothes for a year and is on her 8th month, she is such an inspiration! She makes the challenge seem possible! So, I plan to update my blog with my progress, things I am learning and maybe a picture or two of my creative outfit ideas J

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